Medical Advocacy
Compassion, Choice, Holistic Care
Survivors of sexual violence are encouraged to seek medical attention following an assault for both health reasons and for evidence collection purposes. The STTARS program will provide a medical advocate upon request at area hospitals to provide support during the examination process.
Anonymous Reporting
If an individual who is 18 years of age or older, arrives at a Hospital Emergency Department reporting that they have been a victim of sexual assault, but are reluctant to speak with law enforcement, they will be offered the option of Anonymous Reporting. The forensic medical examination, including the evidence collection kit, will be performed. The SANE and/or Victim Advocate will review the pros and cons of anonymous reporting with the victim supporting the victim’s rights and choice.
Sexual Assault has Many Costs
But rape exams and support are FREE
Pennsylvania Law, 18 Pa. C.S. 11.707, provides that the costs of the forensic rape examination and medications provided as a direct result of a sexual offense shall not be charged to the victim. The victim of a sexual offense does not need to “report” the sexual offense or “talk” to law enforcement in order for the costs to be paid by the Victims Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP).
For more information please contact:

Washington Health System Sexual Assault Program
Washington County DA’s Office of Victim Services
724.229.5922We Are Here For You.
All services through the STTARS Program are free and confidential.
If you are in need of assistance please fill out the form or call: